If you want to play xbox 360 games, you should consider on these two: Fallout 3 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood.
Before play Xbox 360 games Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
and Fallout: 3
, you can read below a comparasion betwen these two games. Both are adventure games released in for Xbox 360 consoles and published by Ubi Soft and Bethesda ( rated Mature by ESRB).
Like any game review, you will be able to find here informations about this two games.Story
In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
the setting takes place in 2012 if you playing as Desmond and 1499 in Roma if you playing as Ezio Audtiore. Brotherhood takes place right after Ezio exits out of the vault. After meeting a familiar face, he returns to the villa to relax but something happens to Ezio once again and after years of fighting for punishing the people who killed his family in AC II
, he is force to hunt down his enemies. The difference in this game is that you are not supposed to run through the story on your own; you are expected to recruit assassin's to assist you througout the game and they are yours to summon whenever needed. The city of Rome is vibrant and bustling with interesting and sometimes amusing people. Beggars line the streets, prostitutes beckon you to hire them and groups of vigilantes gather in the public squares, all adding to a sense of realism that made the previous game so endearing. The bulk of the game is spent in Rome, which may feel like a step back from Assassin's Creed II, where you would travel between cities, but Rome is so vast and populous that you'll easily overlook this. In Fallout 3 you are a citizen of Vault 101. The first hours of the game see you growing from a drooling baby to a full-drown adult. All hell breaks lose when your father, the highly-respected focal point of your whole life up until now, goes AWOL. In his pursuit, you are forced to leave the sanctity of Vault 101 and venture out into the great beyond that is the smoldering remains of Washington DC. Once you're out, what you do is entirely up to you. And I mean entirely up to you. With the proper weapon, guidance, and skills, you can do almost anything now. You can go after your good old dad if you want, or forget him altogether. Become a wasteland messiah and bringer of good fortune, or shoot every poor soul you come across and pick over the remains. Everything you do affects your level of karma, which in turn affects the way others interact with you. Acting like a total jackass gives you a load of freedom, sure, but expect people to act coldly towards you. On the other hand, you could be a total saint, and unqiue rewards abound.
In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
you can now combine attacks to kill your enemy. For instance, Ezio will have his longsword out and have his hidden gun in his other hand. If your a little rusted on your combat skills, Brotherhood has a virtual training game where you can brush up your skills if needed. Also whats a great add on to this game is that you can now relive events that you already did during the story. During the course of the game, you can have other assassins with you during the game. This is a great add-on and keeps the game going. You can have up to 13 assassins with you. Now whats great about this is that the assassins will come in handy during situations. If your on a mission where you cannot be detected and you see guards all over the place. You can call the assassins to kill the guards for you. You can also send them on missions to level up and get better equipment. Now as for the big update, this game has multiplayer. Great add on and highly addictive. There are three modes. Wanted, Manhunt, Alliance. The great thing about the muliplayer is that when your hunting someone, there's sometimes people one or even four people hunting you. For example, your playing a round of wanted. You have four other players who are trying to find you while you have to kill your target. You see your target and you run up to him and kill him. Little as you know, there's a person waiting for you to kill your target so he/she can kill you. You will always be on your toes when playing this game and it will get very repetitive. Either way, you will have a good time when playing this game. On the other hand, in Fallout 3 a variety of weapons are at your disposal, guns primarily. But you can also use your fists or various bludgeoning weapons, too. Battles tend to be unexpected, and a surprise attack can seriously burn a hole in your health and restorative supplies. This proves to be a pain, especially early on, when money is scarce. You'll find yourself saving and reloading the game multiple times in some instances. Often times, your enemies greatly outnumber you. That being said, you will probably die. A lot. Even at the lowest level of difficulty, Fallout 3 can get pretty taxing. You're bound to get better as you go along, but it is frustrating. Luckily, you've got a few more things to help you out here. A targeting system, V.A.T.S, allows you to single out certain parts of an enemy's body to attack, and even gives you a hit ratio. This is especially useful with guns, though it does hamper the challenge of battles some times. Along the way, you can also recruit the help of several allies. These allies range from completely useless to almost invincible, but some of them are a bit tough to recruit. With the completion of missions and the vanquishing of enemies, you gain experience. Enough experience, and you'll level up. With each level up, you have a variety of stats to raise and tweak around with. It gives you something to look forward to, and it doesn't take forever to level up.
On both games graphics are excelent. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
graphics are so good that it looks like you're watching a film rather than playing a game, although it definitely doesn't feel like that! One of the best looking open world games of all time, in terms of art direction and quality. The environments, characters, effects, and animations are all phenomenal. The highly detailed buildings, clothing, and props all realistically fit the world. The characters look and animate great right down to their facial expressions. The graphics in Fallout 3 are very realistic, especially with facial expressions in the characters. Precise voicework and beautiful attention to detail are abundant in the game. No player should have any trouble with the graphics.
The sound track and sound effects in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
are amazing. The music is appropriate for the setting and gives a sense of action, mystery, and danger. The sound effects put you right into the action or they'll make you want to seek comfort in the shadows as you stealthily plan your next assassination. The soundtrack is also available on itunes. In Fallout 3
the sounds that emanate from the wilderness, the caves and the settlements are atmospheric, but pretty dull. The sound heats up when there's a fight, but it's still dull. However, you have the option of tuning into a variety of wasteland radio stations, some of which play some pretty catchy tunes. Funfact: most of the music you hear is real music from the 40s and 50s. You might even recognize some of it, if you're a fan of that kind of thing.
In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
On both games graphics are excelent. In Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
The sound track and sound effects in Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
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