DC Universe Online - Breaking News
Sony's studio closed the beta version of the new massively multiplayer online game, “DC Universe Online”. On January 11, 2011, DC Universe Online
will go live for PlayStation 3 platform and for Windows PCs. The servers open up at 10 a.m. eastern time on January 11, 2011. DC Universe Online
is in five differnet languages and will launch primarily in North America and Europe. It’ll be in over 20 countries. PlayStation3 and PC versions of DC Universe Online
are on separate servers. PC players can play this game with a controller, we allow that option.
John Blakely speek about DC Universe Online: "A couple of things are fundamental. We’re not trying ot be one of those games. We’re trying to be the best superhero game you can play with your friends. We’re providing monthly content updates. We have. 75 years of story and history within the DC Universe to draw from. There are vast open cities like Metropolis and Gotham City with over 1,000 sqquare blocks of shared play space plus 25 or 30 different locales that are more instance/zone-based. Our premise is this: we just want you to have fun and have fun with your friends. We’re always gonna have something for you to do, it’s easy to get into and a blast to play. I think people will enjoy that and they’ll always leave on a good note and if they do decide to move on they’ll always be welcome back. With the level of competition and things going on, it’s really just a great time to be a player. We hope we’re worth their time and their dollars."
DC Universe Online - Product Description
DC Universe Online brings high-energy action to the forefront with a combat system designed to deliver a fast-paced action experience with the extraordinary powers of DC Super Heroes and Villains at your disposal. DCUO offers a dramatic online setting where players battle with or against their favorite DC Super Heroes and Villains including Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and The Joker. For the very first time, players and fans will be able to enter this fabled world as an active force for good or evil. The action and drama will play out in such well-known locations such as Gotham City and Metropolis.
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