For the beginning it has to be emphasized the fact that, unlike the film and the first game version of this title, Pierce Brosnan is replaced by Daniel Craig, in order to give the game a new display for the Wii platform. The plot is changed so that Bond appears in all the events of the story for instance Bond is at Severnaya when the Goldeneye blast hits. In order to get Bond there the writers included a full attack on the Severnaya base by Russian soldiers under Orumov's orders. The Severnaya guards send out an alert picked up by MI6 who then send Bond to investigate. This doesn't make sense on several levels. First of all the whole point of stealing the EMP resistant helicopter was so that Orumov could draw as little attention to himself as possible as he stole the Goldeneye codes from the almost completely unguarded research station. Having this massive assault made the Tiger helicopter essentially superfluous and makes it pretty much impossible that Orumov could get with his scheme without everyone knowing he did it. The game retained the interrogation scene almost word for word but how could Defense Minister Mishkin possibly think Bond was behind the theft of the Goldeneye
? Did Bond also command dozens if not hundreds of Russian troops to attack the facility? In almost every case where the characters or plot are changed it's to the detriment of the story.
For the version Goldeneye Wii there are not many reasons of insatisfaction. Activision did a great job by bringing all necessary facilities for a modern action game. You can try using three separate control schemes: Wiimote + Nunchuck
, Classic Controller Pro
, and the GC controller
. And while the CCPro was instantly familiar and well-done, the Wiimote + nunchuck ultimately won out. There is a number of preset sensitivity preferences. I upped the sensitivity of movement while looking down the sight of the gun, as well as the turning axis (which helps making a 180 turn while in multiplayer matches).
The character names remain the same (Orumov, Trevelyan, Simonova) but they are completely changed and unrecognizable from the original characters and none of the changes are improvements. Classic guns (including the golden one) and characters from past Bond-movies are playable in the multiplayer mode. These characters include: Jaws, Francisco Scaramanga, Oddjob, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, Baron Samedi, Rosa Klebb , Red Grant, Julius No
Single-Player Campaign takes approximately 10 hours, during which you have a lot of action and you can have fun by going through all levels of the game. From slower missions to more explosive ones, everything is conceived in order to satisfy the different tastes of action video game-lovers. The game levels are divided into two categories: the first are of medium difficulty, and the last two will be extremely difficult for you as they will include more missions.
Multiplayer Mode
In multiplayer mode you can play online with maximum 7 players of different types. The greater experience you get, the better guns you can use, new gadgets and stat boosts. The maps are fairly well designed with numerous access points, decent camping spots, and recognizable features that help in familiarizing yourself with the maps. Again, you might be disappointed if you're expecting maps from the original. Nothing is as good as the Temple,Facility, Complex, or Archives, though some replacements (Facility and Archives) are still pretty well done.
While Conflict and Team Conflict are your standard deathmatch modes, there's also Golden Gun mode, Heroes mode, Goldeneye mode, etc... all fun and unique modes that really do separate Goldeneye from Halo and COD. You'll also be able to unlock a few hardcore modes that lower health and lose the radar. There's a lot of game here.
The graphics of this new version of GoldenEye cannot be compared with the HD graphics which you can see for examples at PS3 consoles, but for the Wii version it is much better than the one of the original GoldenEye.
GoldenEye Wii
deserves 5 stars for being re-played. Even if you get to the end with the single-player mode, you can play more online, in the Multiplayer mode, which will keep you busy for a long time.
Best Price
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GoldenEye 007 Wii Trailer
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