First, I want to state that I'm a fan of physical exercise that helps the body maintain a good tonus with the result that I manage to avoid the occurrence of chronic diseases brought by sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle.
New WII Fit Plus
system was launched by Nintendo's big concern in late 2009. From then until today I have heard only good things about this video game, which surprisingly, does not put you in a front of a screen with a joystick in your right hand, but it enables you to maintain your physical condition through a series of activities among which may be mentioned yoga and aerobic exercise.
The question is what is Wii Fit Plus?
Searching on the official site, I found that Wii Fit Plus combines fun with exercise. It is a game designed for all ages, both young and old. Playing Wii Fit plus every day with family members, you can keep fit and you can even lose the extra pounds without following different treatments that do not give any results, but rather after a period from ceasing the diet, the pounds are back. Wii Fit also is accompanied by an important accessory: the Wii Balance Board
, a small platform that will follow in real time all the moves which you make and shows them on the screen. Wii balance board has the same features like the wii remote control. Also, with this board you can get your center of balance tested.
Another important thing that motivates players to play this game is a chart of daily progress. On this chart you can see that you have had some results ever since you started playing this game. Also, this chart could be the subject of a competition between family members or between friends that play this game. This game has about 40 activities which are grouped into six training modes like aerobic, yoga and balance games.
As I said above, this game can be played with family members or with friends, thus it is a multi-player. It can be played in a multi-player mode with great success at various parties, such as children's birthdays.
Those who have tried this game have been pleased with it. There were however some who were dissatisfied with certain aspects such as indications given for different modes of play, which could have been more explicit, for each game can be daunting if you do not see some immediate results in terms of weight loss or for those who have athletic performance, this game can be boring as some exercises are too easy, bandwidth control could be stronger.
Altogether it seems that this game is a good long-term investment, not very expensive ($ 94.54
) and it is a good game for the whole family. It is your decision if it's worth investing money in this game to maintain your health and play, or if money can be directed towards other purchases.
It should be noted that Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board
can be purchased only by U.S. citizens or those who have Apo / Fpo addresses. Terms of warranty and technical support can be learned from the manufacturer.
Wii Fit Plus Review
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